GameStar 2006 February
Red Shark
< prev
Text File
371 lines
// This code is copyright 2001 by G5 Software.
// Any unauthorized usage, either in part or in whole of this code
// is strictly prohibited. Violators WILL be prosecuted to the
// maximum extent allowed by law.
// string variabled defined in this class
// should be referenced only from the scripts, not from the code
class CStrings extends CApplicationSettings
// Common
final static string str_InsertCDMessage = "Vlo₧te CD do mechaniky";
// Menu
final static string str_VersionNumber = "Verze" + m_AppVersionInfo;
// Std menu buttons
// "Back"
final static string str_BackButton = "Zp∞t";
// "Yes"
final static string str_YesButton = "Ano";
// "No"
final static string str_NoButton = "Ne";
// "OK"
final static string str_OkButton = "OK";
// "Cancel"
final static string str_CancelButton = "ZruÜit";
// "Continue"
final static string str_Continue = "PokraΦovat v misi";
// "On"
final static string str_On = "Zapnuto";
// "Off"
final static string str_Off = "Vypnuto";
// Quit confirmation screen
// "Are you sure you want to quit?"
final static string str_QuitGameQuestion = "SkuteΦn∞ chcete skonΦit?";
// Menu select screen
// "Difficulty: "
final static string str_Difficulty = "Obtφ₧nost: ";
// Settings menu
// Original English text: "Settings"
final static string str_SettingsButton = "Nastavenφ";
// "Game settings"
final static string str_GameSettingsButton = "Nastavenφ hry";
// "Video settings"
final static string str_VideoSettingsButton = "Nastavenφ obrazu";
// "Audio settings"
final static string str_AudioSettingsButton = "Nastavenφ zvuku";
// "Controls"
final static string str_ControlsButton = "Ovlßdßnφ";
// "Difficulty level"
final static string str_DifficultyLevel = "Obtφ₧nost";
// "Easy"
final static string str_Easy = "Lehkß ";
// "Medium"
final static string str_Medium = "St°ednφ ";
// "Hard"
final static string str_Hard = "T∞₧kß ";
// "Nightmare"
final static string str_Nightmare = "Extra t∞₧kß ";
// "Forest rendering detail"
final static string str_ForestDetailTitle = "Detaily lesnφch porost∙";
// "Terrain rendering quality"
final static string str_TerrainDetailTitle = "Detaily terΘnu";
// "Gamma correction"
final static string str_GammaCorrectionTitle = "Gamma korekce";
// "Target window"
final static string str_TargetWindowTitle = "Zam∞°ovaΦ";
// "Sound volume"
final static string str_SoundVolumeTitle = "Hlasitost zvukov²ch efekt∙";
// "Music volume"
final static string str_MusicVolumeTitle = "Hlasitost hudby";
// "Mouse sensitivity"
final static string str_MouseSensitivityTitle = "Citlivost myÜi";
// "Movement"
final static string str_MovementButton = "Pohyb";
// "Fire"
final static string str_FireButton = "St°elba";
// "Other"
final static string str_OtherButton = "DalÜφ";
// "Default cursor keys layout"
final static string str_SetDefaultButton = "Standardnφ nastavenφ klßves";
// "Default WASD keys layout"
final static string str_SetWASDDefaultButton = "Standardnφ nastavenφ klßves WASD";
// "Select input device"
final static string str_SelectInputDevice = "Zvolte za°φzenφ";
// "Select video mode"
final static string str_SelectVideoMode = "Zvolte re₧im videa";
// "Select video device"
final static string str_SelectVideoDevice = "Zvolte za°φzenφ videa";
// "Mouse"
final static string str_Mouse = "MyÜ";
// "Joystick"
final static string str_Joystick = "Joystick";
// Objective statuses
// "In progress"
final static string str_ObjectiveInProgress = "V pr∙b∞hu";
// "Failed"
final static string str_ObjectiveFailed = "Selhalo";
// "Complete"
final static string str_ObjectiveComplete = "DokonΦeno";
// Objective status messages
// "Objective complete: "
final static string str_CompleteMessage = "┌kol dokonΦen: ";
// "Objective failed: "
final static string str_FailedMessage = "Spln∞nφ ·kolu ne·sp∞ÜnΘ: ";
// Mission status screen
// "Mission Status"
final static string str_MissionStatusTitle = "Stav mise";
// "Objectives:"
final static string str_ObjectivesTitle = "┌koly:";
// "Bonus objectives:"
final static string str_BonusObjectivesTitle = "BonusovΘ ·koly:";
// "Mission Information:"
final static string str_MissionInfoTitle = "Informace k misi:";
// "Finish mission"
final static string str_FinishMission = "UkonΦit misi";
// "Exit debriefing"
final static string str_ExitDebriefing = "Opustit briefing";
// Help screen
// "Help"
final static string str_HelpTitle = "Pomoc";
// Mission menu
// "Quit to main menu"
final static string str_QuitToMainMenuButton = "Do hlavnφho menu";
// "Back to the game"
final static string str_BackToTheGameButton = "Zp∞t do hry";
// "Restart mission"
final static string str_RestartMissionButton = "Spustit misi znovu";
// "Are you sure you want to abort this mission?"
final static string str_QuitQuestion = "Jste si jisti, ₧e chcete opustit tuto misi?";
// Controls
// "Max speed fwd while pressed"
final static string str_FORWARD = "P°i stisku max. rychlostφ vp°ed";
// "Max speed backwd while pressed"
final static string str_BACKWARD = "P°i stisku max. rychlostφ vzad";
// "Strafe left"
final static string str_LEFT = "┌hybn² manΘvr doleva";
// "Strafe right"
final static string str_RIGHT = "┌hybn² manΘvr doprava";
// "Up"
final static string str_UP = "Nahoru";
// "Down"
final static string str_DOWN = "Dol∙";
// "Fire machine-gun"
final static string str_FIRE = "St°elba z kulometu";
// "Launch missile"
final static string str_LAUNCH = "Odpßlenφ rakety";
// "Increase speed"
final static string str_INCSPEED = "Zrychlenφ";
// "Decrease speed"
final static string str_DECSPEED = "Zpomalenφ";
// "Max speed fwd"
final static string str_MAXSPEED = "Max. rychlostφ vp°ed";
// "Immediate stop"
final static string str_STOP = "Okam₧itΘ zastavenφ";
// "Pick up next enemy"
final static string str_NEXT_TARGET = "Zvolit dalÜφ cφl";
// "Pick up nearest enemy"
final static string str_NEAREST_TARGET = "Zvolit nejbli₧Üφ cφl";
// "Show/Next navpoint"
final static string str_NEXT_NAVPOINT = "Ukßzat/DalÜφ navigaΦnφ bod";
// "Next launcher"
final static string str_VIKHR_LAUNCHER = "P°epnout na rakety" + QUOTE + "VIKHR" + QUOTE;
// "Prev launcher"
final static string str_S8_LAUNCHER = "P°epnout na rakety" + QUOTE + "S-8" + QUOTE;
// "Toggle cockpit devices"
final static string str_CLEAR_SCREEN = "P°epnout za°φzenφ kokpitu";
// "Toggle target screen"
final static string str_SHOW_TARGET = "P°epnout cφlovou obrazovku";
// "Show mission status"
final static string str_SHOW_MISSION_STATUS = "Ukßzat stav mise";
// "Apply default settings?"
final static string str_APPLY_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = "Zp∞t k tomuto nastavenφ?";
// "Zoom in map"
final static string str_MAP_ZOOM_IN = "P°iblφ₧it mapu";
// "Zoom out map"
final static string str_MAP_ZOOM_OUT = "Oddßlit mapu";
// "Next camera view"
final static string str_NEXT_CAMERA_VIEW = "Nov² pohled kamery";
// "Default camera view"
final static string str_DEFAULT_CAMERA_VIEW = "Standardnφ pohled kamery";
// "Fullscreen target view"
final static string str_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN_TARGET = "Komplexnφ pohled na cφl";
// "Toggle cockpit colors"
final static string str_TOGGLE_COCKPIT_COLOR = "P°epnout barvy kokpitu";
// Mission-independent cockpit messages
// "Navpoint selected: "
final static string str_NAVPOINT_SELECTED = "Zvolen navigaΦnφ bod: ";
// Unit names displayed in cockpit
final static string str_AntiAir = "PROTIVZDUèN┴ OBRANA";
// "TANK"
final static string str_Tank = "TANK";
final static string str_GunTower = "KULOMETN┴ V╠Ä";
// "TENT"
final static string str_Tent = "STAN";
final static string str_ArmJeep = "OBRN╠N▌ DÄ═P";
final static string str_Refueller = "CISTERNA";
// "JEEP"
final static string str_Jeep = "DÄ═P";
// "TRUCK"
final static string str_Truck = "N┴KLADN═ V┘Z";
// "FLAK"
final static string str_Flak = "FLAK";
// Weapon names displayed in the cockpit
// "VIKHR"
final static string str_VIKHR = "VIKHR";
// "S-8"
final static string str_S8 = "S-8";
// "kph"
final static string str_Kph = "Km/h";
// Credits screens
final static array str_CreditsScreens =